
The Sharing Foundation
began back in 1992.  Our founder, John Brewer, workedPicture of our founder - John Brewer - Santa Claus as a shopping mall Santa during the Christmas season.   Just before Christmas one year, John’s
daughter told him about a friend’s family whose father had just lost his job.  She was upset because she knew her friend may not get anything for Christmas that year.  John took the Santa money that he’d earned and provided Christmas presents for the entire family. From then, until his passing in 2004, John worked tirelessly to build The Sharing Foundation into the thriving organization it is today.

We have continued John’s work by providing much needed assistance to working families here in Anne Arundel County that just need a little help.  Seeing the face of a child when they open a bag of presents that might not have come otherwise is one of the best feelings on Earth.  Maybe the next best feeling is looking into the eyes of their parents and seeing the relief and gratitude now that their children have presents that they may not have been able to provide.  Your assistance as a volunteer or donor to The Sharing Foundation
will allow us to continue this rewarding and necessary work right here in our community.

Thank you for visiting The Sharing Foundation’s website. We hope it is informative. The site is constantly updated with our latest information. Please stop by our Facebook page to get information on our latest news and events.